해월의 시조마루/번역시조

英時調 / 해수욕장에서

채현병 2011. 9. 7. 23:42




 해수욕장에서                      On the Beach

                          채윤병                                                      Chae Yun-byeong


마음 착한 아기 파도                         A good-hearted baby wave

발목 살살 주무르고                          Softly touches my ankles


모래알 살금살금                              And the grains of sand

발바닥 간질인다                              Gently tickle my soles.


해님은                                           The sun,

내 등에 앉아                                   Sitting on my back

바닷물로 떠 내밀고                          Pushes me to the shore.



뒤따라 온 언니 파도                         A sister wave follows

샘통이 나 불끈불끈                          The baby wave and gets jealous


머리카락 곤두세워                           To splash about my knees

무릎까지 후려치고                           With her hair stood up.


그래도                                           Still angry,

성이 안찼나                                    She soothes herself

물 매질로 속을 푼다                         By keeping on spanking.