해월의 시조마루/번역시조

英時調 / 추석 달 / 채윤병

채현병 2011. 9. 10. 23:56




            추석 달                          The Moon of Chuseok


                                 채윤병                                                                      Chae Yun-byeong


     '더도 말고 덜도 말고                       'Neither more nor less!

      한가위만 같아라'는                         Just like Hangawi!'


      되뇌는 우리 마음                            This wish of ours

      으레 짐작 알아챈 듯                        Is already perceived by


     추석 달                                          The moon of Chuseok

     눈치도 빨라                                    Or Hangawi

     싱글벙글 웃고 있다.                        Smiling sweetly.